Misano - Gran Premio Cinzano di San Marino, Riviera di Rimini
Race Date: September 13, 2009
- Pole Position: Left
- Track Length: 4,180 m
- Track Width: 14 m
- Longest Straightaway: 565 m
- Left Turns: 5
- Right Turns: 9
- Year Track Opened/Upgraded: 2006
- Track Location: Comune di Misano Adriatico, Italia
- Event Promoter: N/A
- Event Website: www.misanocircuit.com
Circuit Information
The Misano motor racing circuit was designed in 1969 (3,488 m) and has always been under private management. Sports activities began after three years. At the sides of the track, small open pits and a building used exclusively to house racetrack offices.
The beginning of the 1990s saw the launching of a renovation project which over successive phases guaranteed the availability of an increasingly efficient facility.
The first expansion project dates to 1993: the track was lengthened to 4,060 metres, making it possible to use two track configurations, a long and a short one; a building was also erected with new garages, technical rooms, reception rooms and a large pressroom of around 600 sq. m.
In 1996 and 1997, a second stage of work was carried out to complete the building and the pits. In 1998 the paddock area was extended to a total of 40,000 sq. m.
Construction of the 1st set of stands, with a seating capacity of 5000, was completed in 2001.
The new era.
In 2005 the circuit launched a radical renovation and modernisation project. A new main entrance was inaugurated, followed in 2006 by the new medical centre, an area of 300 sq. m. which ideally represents the circuit’s historical and scrupulous attention to safety issues.
At the end of 2006 the circuit was closed to permit the construction of a new even safer and more beautiful track, capable of hosting major world motor sports events.
In record-breaking time, only five months, radical work was carried out not only on the track, which was lengthened to 4,180 m with a reversal in the direction of travel (now clockwise), but also on structural parts. There are now four entrances to the circuit, the seating capacity of the stands increased to over 23,000 and the pressroom was renovated and expanded to accommodate 320 workstations.
The artificial lighting system underwent radical modernisation: 17 generator-equipped light towers were erected. The circuit thus consolidated another of its unique features.
At the end of this impressive modernisation process the circuit also changed its name, becoming the ‘Misano World Circuit’ in 2007.
All of the structural upgrades of the facility have been accompanied with an innovative technological investment as regards the total wiring of the circuit and Wi-Fi coverage for Internet connections over the entire area of around four square km. An investment made possible thanks to the partnership with Cisco, a world leader in the supply of network solutions. Only two circuits in the world can boast such technology: the Misano World Circuit and Motegi racetrack in Japan. The Misano World Circuit chose to adopt Cisco technologies, thus creating new opportunities to enhance the experience of spectators, further improve the safety system of the circuit and offer new multimedia services.
A video recording system based on digital recorders has been set up; the pit building is completely wired; the whole area occupied by the Misano World Circuit now has Wi-Fi coverage; the information and telephone system is fully backuped (can support the failure of individual apparatus); video streaming; circuit intranet. 25 km of fibre optic cables (200 km of fibres) and 50 km of copper wires were used for the data transmission network.
Thanks to the owners’’ substantial investments, perfectly in line with the renovation strategy, the circuit is ready to experience a new era.
The Misano World Circuit is a big motor theme park in the Riviera Romagnola. A place that hosts world sport events and that is a reference point for the widespread love for motors in the land of motors. It is situated few meters from the sea and near the hills and represents a masterpiece from the point of view of the efficiency and the reliability of the organization.
Not only sports events but also offers to all the companies that choose to join, in a successful way, the world of motors with their incentive, congressional and marketing initiatives. Every year the Misano World Circuit hosts the most spectacular two and four wheels sport competitions; it is an important showcase for the big industrial brands and gather, around the love for motors, over than 400 thousand people.
Misano World Circuit
Via Daijiro Kato,10
47843 Misano Adriatico (Rn)
Tel.+39.0541.618511 Fax. +39.0541.615463
Numero verde: 800.214728
e-mail: ufficiosportivo@misanocircuit.com
Misano is easily joined with the A/14 Bologna/Bari/Taranto motorway that is linked with the principal European motorways. A14 way out: Riccione - Cattolica. Is recommended the way out for "Cattolica" and to follow the indications Rimini.
Distance in Km from the main Italian city:
The beginning of the 1990s saw the launching of a renovation project which over successive phases guaranteed the availability of an increasingly efficient facility.
The first expansion project dates to 1993: the track was lengthened to 4,060 metres, making it possible to use two track configurations, a long and a short one; a building was also erected with new garages, technical rooms, reception rooms and a large pressroom of around 600 sq. m.
In 1996 and 1997, a second stage of work was carried out to complete the building and the pits. In 1998 the paddock area was extended to a total of 40,000 sq. m.
Construction of the 1st set of stands, with a seating capacity of 5000, was completed in 2001.
The new era.
In 2005 the circuit launched a radical renovation and modernisation project. A new main entrance was inaugurated, followed in 2006 by the new medical centre, an area of 300 sq. m. which ideally represents the circuit’s historical and scrupulous attention to safety issues.
At the end of 2006 the circuit was closed to permit the construction of a new even safer and more beautiful track, capable of hosting major world motor sports events.
In record-breaking time, only five months, radical work was carried out not only on the track, which was lengthened to 4,180 m with a reversal in the direction of travel (now clockwise), but also on structural parts. There are now four entrances to the circuit, the seating capacity of the stands increased to over 23,000 and the pressroom was renovated and expanded to accommodate 320 workstations.
The artificial lighting system underwent radical modernisation: 17 generator-equipped light towers were erected. The circuit thus consolidated another of its unique features.
At the end of this impressive modernisation process the circuit also changed its name, becoming the ‘Misano World Circuit’ in 2007.
All of the structural upgrades of the facility have been accompanied with an innovative technological investment as regards the total wiring of the circuit and Wi-Fi coverage for Internet connections over the entire area of around four square km. An investment made possible thanks to the partnership with Cisco, a world leader in the supply of network solutions. Only two circuits in the world can boast such technology: the Misano World Circuit and Motegi racetrack in Japan. The Misano World Circuit chose to adopt Cisco technologies, thus creating new opportunities to enhance the experience of spectators, further improve the safety system of the circuit and offer new multimedia services.
A video recording system based on digital recorders has been set up; the pit building is completely wired; the whole area occupied by the Misano World Circuit now has Wi-Fi coverage; the information and telephone system is fully backuped (can support the failure of individual apparatus); video streaming; circuit intranet. 25 km of fibre optic cables (200 km of fibres) and 50 km of copper wires were used for the data transmission network.
Thanks to the owners’’ substantial investments, perfectly in line with the renovation strategy, the circuit is ready to experience a new era.

Not only sports events but also offers to all the companies that choose to join, in a successful way, the world of motors with their incentive, congressional and marketing initiatives. Every year the Misano World Circuit hosts the most spectacular two and four wheels sport competitions; it is an important showcase for the big industrial brands and gather, around the love for motors, over than 400 thousand people.
Misano World Circuit
Via Daijiro Kato,10
47843 Misano Adriatico (Rn)
Tel.+39.0541.618511 Fax. +39.0541.615463
Numero verde: 800.214728
e-mail: ufficiosportivo@misanocircuit.com
Misano is easily joined with the A/14 Bologna/Bari/Taranto motorway that is linked with the principal European motorways. A14 way out: Riccione - Cattolica. Is recommended the way out for "Cattolica" and to follow the indications Rimini.
Distance in Km from the main Italian city:
- Firenze km. 172
- Milano km. 338
- Roma km. 356
- Venezia km. 227
- Napoli km. 486
- Palermo km. 1198
- Bari km. 556
- Bruxelles km. 1275
- Budapest km. 1065
- Francoforte km. 1043
- Monaco di Baviera km. 693
- Praga km. 1089
- Varsavia km. 1533
- Vienna km. 887
- Zurigo km. 645
- Amsterdam km. 1405
- Parigi km. 1193
- Copenaghen km. 1770
- Berlino km. 1535